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#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

Read in some data

Read in a vcf ([Variant Call Format][]) file:


Prepare ncd1 input file

This is an example which shows how to parse a vcf file and output an input file for ncd1:

        infile = system.file(package = "balselr", "example.vcf"),
        n0 = 108,
        type = "ncd1"

This is an example which shows how to parse an R object made from a vcf file and output an input file for ncd1:

        vcf_data = vcf_obj),
        n0 = 108,
        type = "ncd1"

Run ncd1 with a 3000 basepair window and a minimum of 8 informative sites per window using 2 cores and a target frequency of 0.5:

res1<-ncd1(x=prep_my_ncd1_file, tf=0.5, w=3000, ncores=2, minIS=8)

Make the minIS filter less restrictive and the window smaller:

res2<-ncd1(x=prep_my_ncd1_file, tf=0.5, w=2000, ncores=2, minIS=2)

Prepare ncd2 input file

This is an example which shows how to parse a vcf file and output an input file for ncd1; use 4 individuals for the outgroup:

        infile = system.file(package = "balselr", "example.vcf"),
        n0 = 108,
        n1 = 4,
        type = "ncd2"

This is an example which shows how to parse an R object made from a vcf file and output an input file for ncd1; use only one individual for the outgroup:

        vcf_data = vcf_obj),
        n0 = 108,
        n1 = 1,
        type = "ncd2"

Run ncd2 with a 3000 basepair window and a minimum of 8 informative sites per window using 2 cores and a target frequency of 0.5:

res1<-ncd2(x=prep_my_ncd2_file, tf=0.5, w=3000, ncores=2, minIS=8)

Make the minIS filter less restrictive and the window smaller:

res2<-ncd2(x=prep_my_ncd2_file, tf=0.5, w=2000, ncores=2, minIS=2)